Root Canal Treatment in Fountain Valley CA

  • Following the root canal, it is not uncommon to experience moderate sensitivity to pressure or pain on the tooth. Your gums may also experience some soreness. While the healing process does take several days, the discomfort and pain will subside.
  • If you received medication, take it as prescribed and instructed.
  • If a temporary filling was placed, do not bite down on the tooth for at least an hour and while you are still numb. Be extremely gentle with the tooth until your permanent restoration is placed. If possible, try only chewing on the opposite side.
  • Remember to continue brushing and flossing to avoid further problems.
  • As advised, follow up with the placement of your permanent restoration. If treatment is delayed, the tooth may be permanently damage.
  • If you experience severe pain or swelling, or if you have any questions, call Fountain Valley Dental Esthetics as soon as possible.