Gum Care and Disease Prevention in Fountain Valley CA

  • Following the surgery, it is not uncommon to experience some swelling, pain, and/or bleeding.
  • Take any and all prescribed medications as instructed.
  • On the day of the surgery, place an ice bag over the surgical site for ten minutes on and five minutes off.
  • Remember to keep your next appointment at Fountain Valley Dental Esthetics for timely removal of sutures as well as follow-up checks.
  • DO NOT use your fingers to raise your lips and inspect the treated area.
  • DO NOT brush your teeth near the site of the surgery, but do brush the rest of your teeth.
  • In many cases, patients experience a temporary loss of feeling in the surgical site. Additionally, the tooth may feel loose.
  • On the day of the surgery, do not spit, use a straw, or smoke. You should avoid smoking for the first few days after the surgery, as well.
  • If you experience any pain or difficulties, call our office immediately. In an extreme emergency, contact 911.